October 23, 2010


 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.” 2 Tim. 4:2.

The subject of Christ’s teaching was the Word of God. He met questioners with a plain, “It is written,” “What saith the Scripture?” "How readest thou?” At every opportunity, when an interest was awakened by either friend or foe, He presented the Word. With clearness and power He proclaimed the gospel message. His words shed a flood of light on the teachings of patriarchs and prophets, and the Scriptures came to men as a new revelation. Never before had His hearers perceived in the word of God such depth of meaning.

God wants the youth to become men of earnest mind, to be prepared for action in His noble work, and fitted to bear responsibilities. God calls for young men with hearts uncorrupted, strong and brave, and determined to fight manfully in the struggle before them, that they may glorify God, and bless humanity.

Young men, press to the front, and identify yourselves as laborers together with Christ, taking up the work where He left it, to carry it on to its completion.

You will often meet with souls that are under the stress of temptation….Beware lest you discourage such souls, and thus give the tempter an advantage. Whenever you see or hear something that needs to be corrected, seek the Lord for wisdom and grace, that in trying to be faithful you may not be severe. It is always humiliating to have one’s errors pointed out. Do not make the experience more bitter by needless censure. Unkind criticism brings discouragement, making life sunless and unhappy.


  1. I like it overall. Just one question: what do you think may be unkind criticism ? I believe young people nowadays need to be tough openly without fearing that we will miss them in a church. Because it may happen that not we neither them will came to Heaven at all. We will be responsible for the things we were silent . Don't you think.
    Of course we all far from perfection....but here in question children.

  2. Thanks Kate for your comment. I hope I have clearly understood your question, in trying to answer it, Unkind criticism can be the excess or wrongful approach of correcting. If we seek the Lord for wisdom and grace, the approach will be more gentler although firm. So it does not mean going silent but with God's friendlier approach.
